1 min read

Are You Ready?

Find out if you are ready to find your authentic self and begin to live by design. Respond to these questions honestly and thoroughly. There are no right or wrong answers; rather, these questions are designed to get you thinking about your authentic self. After you've completed this exercise, save your answers. They'll be helpful as you continue the Self Matters process.

1. Did you at one time listen carefully to your innermost voice? Describe this moment. When was it and what was the circumstance? Do you suspect that somehow, somewhere along the way, you have lost contact with it?

2. Is your behavioral life, your public persona, at odds with the values, beliefs, desires, passions and visions that define your authentic self? If so, how?

3. Do you know, today, in vivid detail, who the authentic you is? Or are you living a compromised existence?

Continue uncovering your authentic self with the complete exercises found in Self Matters.

TELL DR. PHIL YOUR STORY: Life in crisis?

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