1 min read

Strategies for Effective Parenting

Do you fear that you're raising a spoiled brat? Dr. Phil and Betsy Brown Braun, child development and behavior specialist and author of You're Not the Boss of Me, suggest the following strategies to improve your discipline techniques and help establish a healthy bond with your child:  

How to Eliminate Spoiling Your Child

  • Set firm, consistent boundaries for your child.

  • Encourage your child to work for something he wants.

  • Don't let shopping be the time you spend with your child.

Parenting Tips for Communication

  • Optimal distance for communication between two people is two to four feet.

  • Get down to your child's level. Eye-to-eye communication levels out the playing field.

  • Beware of your anger.

  • Don't talk over your child.

How to Teach Respect

  • Listen to your child.

  • Have clear limits and enforce them.

  • Speak to the behavior, not the child.

How to Teach Responsibility

  • Stick to commitments and insist your child do the same.

  • Teach your child about obligations.

  • Allow your child to experience the consequence of not making responsible choices.

  How to Teach Self-Reliance

  • Teach your child how to make decisions for himself.

  • Give your child feedback about what went right.

  • Develop daily rituals that don't change.

How to Teach Honesty

  • Honest parents raise honest children.

  • Love your child unconditionally.

  • When it's done, let it go.

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