1 min read

5 Things All Parents Should Require From Their Children

Dr. Phil says that parents must require certain behavior from their children so they will learn how to succeed in the world. He says it’s a parent’s duty to make sure their children conduct themselves in a way that:

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1. They are not a danger to themselves or others.
You need to make sure that your child is not doing something where they’re putting themselves or someone else in danger. You’ve got to keep them alive and safe.

2. Complies with applicable family, school and societal mores and folkways.
Whatever in your culture is appropriate, children should comply with that. You’re not preparing your child if you don’t require them to do that.

3. Comply with the law.

You have to make sure that they don’t break the law.

4. Make progress toward independence.
You’re preparing them for the next level of functioning.

5. They do not interfere with healthy adjustment of other people.
They must learn how to fit into relationships. They should not be toxic to other people.

“If you can do those things, you’ve done a pretty good job of parenting a child,” Dr. Phil says.


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